
Monday, Nov 25, 2024

12:30-12:45   Welcome

12:45-13:45   Invited Talk by Bart Bogaerts

Combinatorial Solving with Provably Correct Results: from SAT to MaxSAT (and Beyond?)
Combinatorial optimization problems are ubiquitous in our lives. They show up in the forms of matching problems (e.g., assigning junior doctors to hospitals), scheduling problems (e.g., radiation therapy), logistics problems (e.g., visiting nurses), and many more. In many cases, these problems are also notoriously hard (often NP-hard, or even worse). Still, thanks to tremendous progress over the last decades, we now have access to sophisticated algorithms that can solve these problems in practice. Unfortunately, it turns out that, due to their immense complexity, these (solving) algorithms often contain subtle bugs. In this tutorial, we give an overview of the most successful approach to dealing with this issue, namely proof logging, meaning that solvers aren’t allowed to just claim an answer to a problem: they’re expected to also produce an independently verifiable proof that backs up this claim. In the field of Boolean Satisfiability, this has done wonders for solver reliability, and has also helped with social acceptability of computer-generated mathematical results. In this talk, I will introduce the VeriPB proof system and explain how it allowed us to lift the idea of proof logging from SAT to MaxSAT in a uniform way, for different solving paradigms. Afterwards, I will briefly talk about future plans, related to brining proof logging to the world of first-order representations.

13:45-14:00   Small Break

14:00-15:00   Neurosymbolic Reasoning and Learning

A Constraint-Based Visual Dataset Generator
Thomas Eiter, Nelson Higuera, Katsumi Inoue and Sota Moriyama

Explanations for Guess-and-Check ASP Encodings Using an LLM (Extended Abstract)
Tobias Geibinger, Johannes Oetsch and Tobias Kaminski

ASP-Driven Emergency Planning for Norm Violations in RL (Extended Abstract)
Sebastian Adam and Thomas Eiter

Leveraging Neurosymbolic AI for Slice Discovery
Michele Collevati, Thomas Eiter and Nelson Higuera

15:00-15:30   Coffee Break

15:30-16:30   Theory

Strong and Uniform Equivalence Revisited
Zeynep G. Saribatur and Stefan Woltran

Contracted Temporal Equilibrium Logic
Pedro Cabalar, Thomas Eiter and Davide Soldà

Translating monotone aggregates from Ferraris into Gelfond-Zhang semantics: Work in progress
Pedro Cabalar, Jorge Fandinno, Javier Romero, Nicolas Rühling, Torsten Schaub and Philipp Wanko

Bypassing the ASP Bottleneck: Hybrid Grounding by Splitting and Rewriting
Alexander Beiser, Markus Hecher, Stefan Woltran and Kaan Unalan

16:30-17:00   Coffee Break

17:00-17:30   Applications I

Preliminary Work on Incremental Solving for Multi-Agent Path Finding in ASP
Klaus Strauch and Jiří Švancara

A Preliminary Study to Tackle Sawmill Production Scheduling with ASP
Giacomo Da Col, Philipp Fleiss, Alice Tarzariol, Erich Teppan and Elena Wiegelmann

18:30-22:00   Social Dinner at Gasthaus im Landhaushof

Tuesday, Nov 26, 2024

09:30-10:30   Invited Talk by Jesse Heyninck

Operator-based semantics for logic programs: recent advances
Even though the answer set semantics has been consolidated as the main semantics for (normal) logic programming, other interesting semantics exist. Furthermore, extending the answer set semantics beyond the core language fragment often proves challenging. A unifying framework for the definition and study of semantics of rule-based languages is given by the operator-based approximation fixpoint theory (AFT). In this talk, I will survey the main ideas behind this theory, and explain some recent advances, such as the extension of the theory to non-deterministic constructs such as disjunction and choice rules.

10:30-11:00   Coffee Break

11:00-12:00   Applications II & Special Talks

A Case Study on TSP: What to Optimize and How?
Martin Gebser

An ILASP-Based Approach to Repair Petri Nets (Extended Abstract)
Francesco Chiariello, Antonio Ielo and Alice Tarzariol

Dynamic Aggregates in Expressive ASP Heuristics for Configuration Problems (from TAASP 2023)
Richard Comploi-Taupe, Gerhard Friedrich and Tilman Niestroj

Automating Routing of Product Returns for Failure Analysis with Neuro-Symbolic AI (from ISTFA 2024)
Felix Mitterer, Christian Burmer and Konstantin Schekotihin

12:00-12:15   Closing

No presentation

A Hybrid System for Warehouse Layout Planning Based on Answer Set Programming and Conditional Expert Knowledge
Andre Thevapalan, Marco Wilhelm, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Pascal Kaiser and Moritz Roidl

Progress on an ASP-based Interactive Configurator
Lucia Balážová, Richard Comploi-Taupe, Susana Hahn and Nicolas Rühling

Webpage of the Workshop Series "Trends and Applications of Answer Set Programming"

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